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Weekend Events in Melrose, Weston Continue Markey’s Push to Save Planet

Rep. Ed Markey (D-Malden) has spent his career studying global warming and energy dependence, the most pressing issues of our time. This past year, as Chairman of the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming, he has been able to focus on the scientific and economic evidence and impacts of our planetary crisis, and talked to the pre-eminent experts in the world on these issues. This weekend, Markey will sound the planetary alarm bell here in his home state of

At events in Melrose and Weston this Sunday, March 16, Rep. Markey will give an update of what’s happening at his Select Committee and in Congress on these issues, and more importantly, discuss how the citizens of Massachusetts can reduce their carbon footprint and help reduce the impact of global warming.

Events information:

Town Meetings on Global Warming and Energy Independence
With Congressman Ed Markey

Melrose Event:
Sunday, March 16th
12:30 – 2:30 PM
Melrose Memorial Hall
Main Street
Melrose, MA

Weston event:
Sunday, March 16th
4:30 – 6:30 PM
Eleanor Welsh Casey Theatre
Fine Arts Center
Regis College
235 Wellesley Street
Weston, MA

The Weston event is 9 minutes away (by car). The Melrose event is about 35. I will not be able to go there, but any reader can go, please email your impressions of the event to Czar<at) innermostparts d0t org and we’ll be happy to publish them
