Activist Calendar

You’ve probably noticed that here at Innermost Parts we have created the Activist Calendar on the sidebar for your convenience. The newest addition to the site is that you can now email your events to and they will be added to the calendar for you. We will also try out a weekly Activist Events post.

This week’s events include all the weekly/bi-weekly meetings of FMLA, BLC, DFA, SPA, Trisk, and the Sexualities Discussion Group. In addition, check out B’deis Democrats’ Free Rice Competition on Thursday from 8-9pm in Shapiro Multipurpose room.

Don’t forget to email your events to:

UPDATE: Sexualities Discussion Group is now Sex and Sexuality Symposium and is on Tuesdays from 2-3.


  • i'm a theater major with a spanish minor and a bunch of sociology courses which don't amount to anything. i spent the summer living in san jose and interning with a theater group there. i believe that theatre can be a tool to promote social change and i intend to use it as such.

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Author: shakeman

i'm a theater major with a spanish minor and a bunch of sociology courses which don't amount to anything. i spent the summer living in san jose and interning with a theater group there. i believe that theatre can be a tool to promote social change and i intend to use it as such.