Adam Hughes is awesome and you should vote for him.

Adam Hughes is running for Junior Rep to the Board of Trustees. You should vote for him right now. Here’s why:

Adam is clearly best-prepared for this job. When I say best-prepared, I mean that not only does Adam’s experience, knowledge, and resume trump those of all other candidates in the race, but it is hard for me to think of many other possible candidates that could match him. As a sophomore(!) Adam was Vice President for the best Student Union Administration I’ve seen in my time here. I remember discussing that work with him while he was in that role – his shrewdness and dedication impress me to this day. Adam’s also been writing for Innermost Parts since his freshman year; that he’s most eloquent, clear, and insightful. Simply put, he knows both what’s going on, and what has to be done in a way that very few students, faculty, or staff can match.

Don’t believe me? Read Adam’s platform. Here is just a bit of it:

Brandeis University was created to be more than an educational institution. It was founded in 1948 by noted philanthropists to serve as a haven from the rigidly discriminatory university system of the time, and it was instilled with a mandate to actualize Louis Brandeis’ ideals of social justice. The vision was simple and powerful: Brandeis should not merely train the next generation of leaders, it should activate the next generation of global citizens.

This spirit is still alive at our school, enshrined as one of our foundational four pillars that compose the Brandeis ethos. However, we are not perfect, and it is our responsibility as a student body to be vocal about our lapses and work to create the greatest institution possible. Only one percent of the food served on campus meets the Real Food standard of local, sustainable, and organic production; in comparison, UMass-Amherst is at 27 percent. We continue to serve eggs from chickens raised in cruel battery cages, despite the low cost of switching to cage-free. The College Sustainability Report Card gives us an F for our exceptionally low level of endowment transparency. And just last month, the university announced that it was abandoning its policy of need-blind admissions.

As a Representative to the Board of Trustees, I will work to raise awareness of these issues and strengthen the university’s conscience. However, I also want to improve the day-to-day life of every Brandeis student.

Look at that: Vision. Values. Policy Specifics. Not only was that well-written, but I’m pretty sure he whipped that up in minutes.

I have so much respect for Adam. First of all, he is one of the clearest thinkers I know. Often, I will drown in my thoughts, worried about a particular challenge facing me or clubs I’m involved with. A five-minute talk with Adam later, and all seems clear. Adam frequently takes complicated issues and distills them to their essence in an impressive way. But that’s not really why you should vote for him.

Here’s a small slice of what he’s like in person that you won’t see: one reason I choose to be close friends with him is his ability to see the good in everything and everyone. He inspires, and I don’t mean that in a trite way. Adam will often offhandedly remark – “I’m so glad I’m here doing this with you guys”, or “Hey, I am so impressed by what we are doing”. Saying so is no big deal for him, but it warms the heart of everyone in the room. He’s a keen judge of character, and uses that power to see the greatness of what people do, not their negative qualities.

It’s no accident that Adam’s platform starts with a powerful, positive vision of what Brandeis could be. He’s just that sort of person.

Why should you vote for Adam? It could be his integrity, or his intelligence and wit. It could be due to his experience, or bureaucratic skill. It could be because of his policy chops – and wisdom to know what he can achieve with the position. Instead, let’s talk about his values and vision.

Adam gets it. He is one of us, and always will be. He’s also incorruptible. Adam would never think that he’s better than anyone else because he is Rep to the Board. He’s not running for his resume, he’s not running because he wants to meet rich and powerful trustees, and he’s not running for personal gain. He’s running because he has a clear vision of an inspiring, wonderful Brandeis that could be – and a plan for how to get there.

I think so highly of Adam that I have chosen to be best friends with him for years now. The reasons I recommend him so strongly now are the same reasons why he and I are best friends. He’s wicked smart, his sense of justice is unshakeable, and his enthusiasm can be infectious. I know him. He’s the right guy for the job.

Vote Adam Hughes for Rep to the Board of Trustees.
