Student Advisory Committee and Constitutional Review: E-mail by NOV 25th!

The Student Advisory Committee for the Strategic Planning Process and the Student Union Consitutional Review Task Force.

Two awesome opportunities for any undergraduates to make decisions about our school.

No application necessary- simply e-mail Herbie about your interest in either of these groups by Nov. 25th!

Read below for more information:

Currently there are two initiatives taking off this week, but neither can be successful without the input and cooperation of the student body.

The first is the Strategic Planning Process. As Provost Goldstein mentioned in his email last week, a committee has been formed to assess the trajectory of Brandeis, and recommend strategies that will shape the framework, goals and priorities of the University for the future. This is a big deal.

Until May, I will be your undergraduate representative on the Committee, but I cannot possibly be your only spokesman. A Student Advisory Committee is needed to engage the student body, gather student input and make sure that the undergraduate community has a say in this major-decision-making process. This committee will be responsible for gathering and organizing the input and opinions of all students. 

I need your help! If you are interested in being a member of the Student Advisory Committee, then please email me with your name, class year and resume at by midnight, Friday, November 25. The Committee will be meeting at least once a week for two hours. An additional two to four hours of work will be required per month. This Committee is open to all students, except for those going abroad next semester. It will be a diverse group of students from all years and all aspects of the undergraduate community. Interested and want to learn more? EMAIL ME!

We cannot let a major planning exercise lack student voice. We cannot let the Strategic Planning Process just become another shelved University Proposal. Join me in making sure that the Strategic Planning Process has a profound positive impact upon future Brandeis students. This is a special moment in Brandeis history – make sure you have a say.

The second initiative is the Student Union Constitutional Review. Every four years, the Student Union is mandated to review its Constitution. While the last review was in 2009 – 2010, I believe we can benefit from changing some of the Constitution's rhetoric. 

This process requires the participation of a great deal many students, all of whom are expected to reach out to the greater student body. Attached is the Constitution Article on Constitutional Review. Please read through it, and if you are interested in serving on the Review Task Force, please email me at by midnight, Friday, November 25, and mention which constituency you want to represent.

While not a University initiative, this Constitutional Review will hopefully benefit the undergraduate student body in the future, and I welcome any student input on the matter. Our Constitution can be found at by clicking on the About Section.

This is a chance for us to impact Brandeis and the way of life for our undergraduates. If you are interested, please don't let this run by you.

Thanks so much, and have a terrific break!


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Author: elly

Class of 2013 Writes crosswords for the Blowfish Writes sketches for Boris' Kitchen Writes show reviews for Justice Arts Does improv in her free time