bumped -Sahar
Woah. I don’t have time to comment on this just yet.
But breaking news, the UJ has agreed to hear a case on whether or not the positions of Senator for Racial Minority Students and F-Board Representative for Racial Minority Students are inherently discriminatory.
A fascinating case. I’ll offer my full commentary when I’m not writing a paper. The full text of the order granting cert is below.
To: Gideon Klionsky, Petitioner
Ryan McElhaney, Petitioner
The Elections Commission, Respondent
Cc: Student Union Government
The Justice
The Hoot
Rick Sawyer, Dean of Student Life
Re: Order Granting Certiorari and Postponing Election of Senator for
Racial Minority Students
Having received a case for review from petitioners Gideon Klionsky and
Ryan McElhaney against the Elections Commission, the Union Judiciary has
decided to grant certiorari, and thus has agreed to hear the case.
The complaint alleges that the positions of Senator for Racial Minority
Students and F-Board Representative for Racial Minority Students are
inherently discriminatory and therefore violate sections of both the
Student Union Constitution and the University’s policies as laid out in
the Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. It is on these grounds that we
accept the case for review.
In the interests of the greatest transparency possible by the Union
Judiciary, we have decided to release our order as well as the original
complaint, which is attached, to the media and student body.
The Constitution requires that a case must be heard within five academic
days unless both parties agree to a date after this period. Thursday,
April 23rd is five academic days from today. Pending consideration by
the justices and the input of the parties we will announce the day of
the hearing as soon as possible.
Under the current elections timetable, campaigning for the Second Round
of Spring Elections, which includes the race for Senator for Racial
Minority students, is set to begin on Sunday April 19th. Given these
circumstances, the Union Judiciary has decided to postpone the election
of the Senator for Racial Minority Students until this case can be decided.
The Union Judiciary recommends holding this hearing Thurday afternoon.
If this date is unworkable, please provide your availability for
Monday–Friday of next week.
If either Petitioner or Respondent(s) need assistance in locating
appropriate counsel to assist them, the Court will attempt to help,
though we can offer no guarantees.
We would remind all parties that only facts presented to the Court at
trial through witness testimony or admitted evidence will be used by the
UJ when formulating a decision. However, we will be extremely mindful of
the limited preparation time both sides will have had, and the lack of
specific legal expertise by all parties. Don’t worry.
From this point on, please direct all communication the UJ listserv
Thank you,
Rachel Graham Kagan
Chief Justice of the Union Judiciary
Or– let anyone run and let racial minorities vote! just a thought. I think I understand the historical implications and justifications for having RM positions, but in our current society where other groups experience discrimination as well (the glbtq community for instance) should they not also have an opportunity to represent? Or religious minorities? I don’t know the answer. I do know this though: In the coming year the F-Board will presumably only have 1 white jewish girl on it – that’s the brandeis majority, yes? Just something interesting to note…
If you’re going to propose an Orthodox Jew position, we might as well get a minority rep for ‘those who don’t live in a shimmering bubble of privilege’.
Keep the position — let the minorities run, let everyone vote.
Racial minorities jobs as senators is to conduct themselves in the position that is elected, not minority issues on campus.
First off this is a RACE Based issue. Being an orthodox Jew in America is usually a religion and when filling out any form in the united states they divide it by racial categories like black white Asian ect…Gender and religion are two different categories.If you assume yourself to be in that categorize place your self in our shoes for a day, have some respect.
and if you didn’t see matt’s link from another comment page, read what he has to say over here
Gimme a break has it right. Half the senate is already racial minority. Why do we need a discrimination position that can also be filled by one.
Is orthodox jews a minority on campus? I think so. Can we have an orthodox jewish senator also?
Recently we have had racial minorities represented at the Presidential, VP, Treasurer, and Senate.
This year there are approximately 2 executives, 10 senators 1 f-board elected that were racial minorities. And we just elected a new Treasurer of a racial minority.
Why do we need these positions again?
I don’t see why non-minorities can’t run for the position. Is it because the majority could elect a non-minority? Just because its oxy-moronic doesn’t mean he can’t represent. Glad someone called SHENANIGANS.
Really? Lincoln Park HS? this is how you represent chi town? get it together…think about WHY these positions are unfortunately necessary on this campus before you launch such offensive and misguided campaigns. perhaps when you have rooted out the racism and discrimination that still exists on our campus you can eliminate these positions on the Union, but until then, they are necessary for the fair and equal representation of all voices in our community, not just the majority.
This is lolz. The Lincoln Park HS intellectuals teaming up on vaguely legitimate grounds to stop an arguably misguided but just as arguably harmless practice. Regardless the Union is a sham so I don’t really care. GO CHI-TOWN
The Racial Minority Member of FBoard was already elected.
I think Jordan Rothman needs to recuse himself, his views on the matter are already really well known. And there is no denying it.
Also, I don’t like that they are ‘postponing the election’ while the decision waits. If the UJ rules that the position shouldn’t exist, they can just disband the position. But if they decide that the position should exist, than we can’t have elections for it until next semester. In the case of F-Board, that is a pretty serious problem.
Really, it shouldn’t the elections commission who is sued, it should be the Student Union… or Racial Minority Students. Or perhaps even the RMS and RM F-Board member.
Wait, are Ryan McElhaney and Gideon Klionsky teaming up on this?