If you’ve checked your mail recently, you should have gotten an e mail from Kaamila Mohamed regarding taking a diversity survey. Here are the contents of the e mail, and I urge you all to take a few minutes out of your schedules to answer a few questions!!
Dear Brandeis Student,
As two students interested in diversity at Brandeis, we have created a survey to gather information on the experiences, perceptions and interests of the Brandeis Community regarding diversity. Along with Dean Adams, we will analyze the results to determine the needs and desires of Brandeis students as they pertain to these issues.
We have tried to keep the survey as inclusive as possible without losing statistical significance. Because your personal experiences and ideas are of interest to us, if one or more of your self-identifications are not listed, please let us know in the question provided towards the end of the survey. Please also note that on the questions that ask you for self-identifications, you may choose not to answer.
The survey should take about ten minutes:
Thank you for contributing your time and effort to this initiative!
Kaamila Mohamed and Megan Straughan