Giving Thanks- 1. The ACLU

In honor of Thanksgiving, I would like to express support for organizations or people that make a positive difference in the world.

First up, the ACLU.

The ACLU, comprised of the American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU Foundation, has been working since 1920 to protect the rights of American citizens.

ACLU Victories of 2011
  • "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" finally came to an end.
  • The extreme Mississippi Personhood Amendment was defeated.
  • Congressional attempts to defund Planned Parenthood failed.
  • An outrageous provision that would have granted this and all future presidents a blank check to involve the U.S. in a worldwide war without end was halted.
  • Free speech rights of Occupy Wall Street protestors have been defended.
  • New York state passed a landmark marriage equality law.
  • Illinois banned the death penalty.
  • ACLU lawsuits stalled enactment of every "show me your papers" racial profiling law passed across the country.
  • We blocked enactment of South Dakota's draconian anti-abortion law.
  • The Obama administration decided to stop defending the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act against an ACLU legal challenge.


Thank you, ACLU.


What groups are you guys thankful for?


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Author: elly

Class of 2013 Writes crosswords for the Blowfish Writes sketches for Boris' Kitchen Writes show reviews for Justice Arts Does improv in her free time