We’re liveblogging the trial now – snark edition.
Livebloggers – Alex Norris, Matt Kupfer, Jon Muchin, and myself. We’ll be blogging in the comments.
This is a project unaffiliated with the petitioners, defense, judges, or whatever. We’re just providing an alternative, hopefully more hilarious liveblog here.
Check out Emily Dunning’s liveblog below for the “official Innermost Parts take”.
OK, so the petitioners (UJ-speak for prosecution) keep bringing up this claim that Lev and Alex didn’t recuse themselves when they brought up the SMR, and that its wrong, since they happen to be members of DFA. This line of reasoning is wrong. Lev and Alex are the Senators of the class of 2011 and represent the entire class. They were elected on a platform of, in part, supporting such events, and their votes are public. The Ayers event is open to the entire campus, and it’s entirely appropriate for the Senators representing Twenty Five Percent of the student body to have a say in that event.
Asking Lev or Alex to recuse themselves in these sorts of votes is like asking Ted Kennedy to recuse himself on Universal Healthcare votes because he has cancer.
It’s hard to rhyme a
word like Vagina.
And now I must sign out, to go hear about vaginas.
Jamie had an argument before that seemed to be something like “Jason had a low bar for what he considered cosponsorship. DFA cleared that bar. DFA… where have we hard of that club before? Nefarious.”
Lev can you state your position in relevant organizations? NO ORGANIZATIONS ARE RELEVANT!
Lev takes the stand, as the last witness.
Last witness! Huzzah!
Jamie publicly browbeats Nippun into asking the specific questions he wants.
Jamie is forced to correct Nipun, so that he makes sure to ask the question correctly.
Nipun’s questions make people angry for some reason. Either his agressive pursuit of truth makes people uncomfortable or he has a vaguely condescending manner.
the witness is using repetition to make things simple for Nipun.
Mariel: I don’t really want words put in my mouth, so I’ll tell the story the way it happened.
Good stuff!
the witness doesn’t want word put in her mouth…I like her!
You could always visit SSIS 3rd floor Shapiro Campus Center
When did you call Jason Gray? Can I call Jason Gray? What is his number?
Jason’s final comment to me before he walked out the door was, “What a circle jerk!”
Before Matt Kupfer left, he said, “This is like masturbation… self-gratifying.”
I see a tendency for sexual frustrations in this room.
Those Hippy-Dippies hadn’t done a lot of planning for the event, but went to the F-board anyway.
Kay – I’d like to borrow that please.
I think it’s giving them too much credit to call f-board capitalist.
excellent documentary btw, The Weather Underground. I have a copy if anyone wants to borrow it.
Why is Fboard imposing hierarchy on a proudly non-hierarchical organization like SDS? Is the Fboard CAPITALISM ITSELF?
yo what up! radical film night just got plugged by the witness!
I appreciate that I belong to clubs that are non-hierarchical. Who really needs treasurers?
SDS is non-hierarchical, but has a treasurer, because Max Wallach hates democracy.
I thought Eric had a bus to catch.
Nipun is the only one at the prosecution table right now. Luckiliy that’s all they need for objections.
so, the problem with Lev, Melman and Nathan is that they support academically valued events, while they don’t support wasting money on other more silly things?
Jamie has the lawyer stance down.
wheras…how many people knew that the two Justice poles asking about William Ayers and Bill Ayers were actually the same person?
so…the sum-up is the Union likes poets, but doesn’t like hippies?
“well eric altrerman is trying” – sahar
If we were deciding this case on the strength of the teams’ fashion choices, the respondents would’ve cleaned this up after 10 minutes.
Birenbaum commands a lively, almost poetic presence on the stand. His voice moves up and down like a sin wave, but without the order or constrictions.
Jason was using SU funds for bombs.
I like Jason Henry four-last-name’s rainbow shoe laces. Maybe the justice w/ the tenni-shoes should get some.
The court has called a witness whose name starts with a “J” and ends with an “ason Henry Simon Birenbaum.”
Various people have made mockeries of various arguments and courtrooms. How much help was needed in this?
could someone sneak over to vagina monologues and live blog it while we’re stuck here?
Chief Justice Rachel has taken to tapping her gavel. I think she’s got us trained by Pavlovian response.
Melman is happily admitting his laziness
I would def. sign up for that camping trip! but would there be workshops on how to write radical press releases, and how to craft bombs out of my dorm room alarm clock?
Is there a difference between a lawyer asking questions standing up or sitting down? I’ve always wondered…
as to Jamie’s objection, I think this whole process is making a mockery of itself.
DFA is conspiring to use the money to go camping with Bill Ayers.
Alex stop being “glib”. I’d like to point out he was just answering Nipun’s question.
Nipun: Please read silently while I read aloud…
Are we back in Hebrew school?
DFA minutes are again proved unreliable, but let’s keep using them.
For whatever reason, Nipun seems to be implying that camping in the woods would be a frivolous waste of money.
Nipun seems to be arguing that DFA is not properly prioritizing it’s allowance. They don’t seem to appreciate the humorous nature of DFA minutes.
Melman is giving Nipun a F-board tutorial.
Alex has granted that Nipun might be a little confused, if only Nipun would grant the same.