PULSE Surveys: Do Em

Yesterday marked the first Pulse survey from the Student Union, in what is to be a series on all aspects of campus life.

We forgot to post the link yesterday, so now it becomes an experiment: only you can test it out: does the link still work even though it is now Tuesday?

1. Link to the first Pulse survey, on dining: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ZQSKKF5

2. Two videos explaining the surveys.
Intro to the Pulse (funny Herbie video)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYqrE6ajSUQ
Intro to Today's Section (more funny Ricky Rosen video): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MC-xv9iT_T0
3. All questions related to the Pulse can be directed to hrosen@brandeis.edu
Didn't see something you wanted on the Pulse? Email Ari Tretin (ytretin@brandeis.edu) the head of the University Dining Committee, and Ricky Rosen (rickyr@brandeis.edu), the head of the Senate Dining Committee.
4. Continue to check your e-mail so that you can take the rest of the surveys this week.
  • Tuesday, November 8 – HOUSING (facilities, services, your personal space) 
  • Wednesday, November 9 – STUDENT LIFE (clubs, transportation, social life, etc.)
  •  Thursday, November 10 – STUDENT UNION (How can we help/represent you?!)
  •  Friday, November 11 – WHAT ELSE?! (What else matters to you? SOUND OFF ON ANYTHING!)


As I said before, I think this is a great initiative, and the Dining Survey really addressed key issues, such as the Justice League's Dollar-Point Parity campaign, SEA's Real Food campaign, and the availability of Gluten-free, vegan and vegetarian options, to name a few.

Now the question remains to be answered what kind of impact the survey feedback will actually HAVE, and how it will manifest.

  • If you run out of ideas for what to put in the comments box, refer to Innemostparts suggestions and critiques, and see if you agree or disagree. For instance, for improvements on housing (the topic of today's survey), was covered last semester by yours truly, http://innermostparts.org/2011/03/17/the-lottery-2/



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Author: elly

Class of 2013 Writes crosswords for the Blowfish Writes sketches for Boris' Kitchen Writes show reviews for Justice Arts Does improv in her free time