Results -updated

It’s a runoff. Hughes vs Brooks.

update- The numbers:

1 Andrew Brooks 266 43.75
2 Adam T. Hughes 195 32.07
3 Gustavo Pardo 85 13.98
4 Christina Khemraj 37 6.09
5 ABSTAIN 14 2.30
6 Anthony Rios 2 0.33
6 Alex Trott 2 0.33
8 Nate Porteshawver 1 0.16
8 Frank The Tank 1 0.16
8 Jordan Suchow 1 0.16
8 Roy Rotstein 1 0.16
8 Jordan Rothman 1 0.16
8 William Sipzner 1 0.16
8 Alex Braver 1 0.16
15 Alexander Reed Braver 0 0.00
15 Suahd Iddrissu 0 0.00
15 Chaely T. Marrow 0 0.00

According to my back-of-envelope calculations, Adam needs about 4/5 of the Gustavo/Khemraj vote to win, assuming that all who abstained in the first round continue to do so and everyone else votes the same way as they did before (either for Hughes or Brooks or not voting at all).
Winning 80% of those votes is a pretty tall order.


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