22 Year Old Stands Up to Bank of America

Please read this extraordinary story of Molly Katchpole a 22 year old from Washington, and her struggle against big banks. She created a petition against Bank of America’s $5 debit card fee. She utilized the website Change.org to raise awareness. Over 300,000 people supported Molly’s cause, and not only is Bank of America revising its $5 debit card fee, but big banks like Chase and Wells Fargo are publicly canceling their plans to charge their customers for debit cards. Diane Sawyer announced on ABC Nightly News Friday night “Score one for a customer rebellion!”

You must watch this segment from ABC Nightly News about Molly’s Change.org petition.

It’s a truly inspiring story about what’s possible when we organize together.

Although Bank of America is revising their fee, many customers including Molly, will still have to pay the $5 debit card fee. Her fight isn’t over, but, as the Wall Street Journal put it, the “big banks blinked.”

Here’s what else the media is saying about Molly’s Change.org petition against big bank fees:
• ABC: “Banks Back Down from Fees”
• CBS: “Bank of America Backs Down After Consumer Backlash”
• Mother Jones: “Banks Surrender on Debit Card Fees”
• Daily Mail: “Victory for customers as big banks back down from debit card fees”
• Time Magazine: “Banks Back Off Unpopular Debit Card Fees”
• NY Daily News: “After outcry, Wells Fargo, Chase, Bank of America back off on debit card fees
• Dan Rather covered Molly’s petition too, saying that Change.org has become a “nerve-center for social justice the world over.”
