There Ain’t No Party Like it!

Once again, the Brandeis Democrats have proven that there ain’t no party like the Democratic party.

This past week, the Dems, Democracy for America, and TRISK led a day-long phone bank to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell outside of Usdan. Over 200 students stopped to call their Senators and Senator Scott Brown to urge them to turn over the discriminatory policy that has kept gay Americans out of the military simply for being who they are. Despite that our phone calls did not prompt the end to injustice we had hoped for, it was a brilliant reminder of the political energy of our campus. When given the opportunity, Brandeis students will and do act.

Students stopped by the table to have their voices heard

Our crusade toward equality in the military will continue, but our primary focus in the coming weeks is working to secure the House of Representatives for the Democrats this upcoming midterm elections. In order to move the country toward equal opportunity, adequate health care for all Americans, and a comprehensive immigration reform that doesn’t punish immigrants for their unfortunate circumstances, it is essential that the Democrats continue to put up a fight. We’ll be doing virtual phone banks every Wednesday night, and getting out and knocking on doors for candidates who represent progressive interests.

When we aren’t talking to voters, we’ll be having a great time with our various social activities including a trip to the movies to see the new documentary about the US public education system ‘Waiting for Superman‘, a networking dinner with the College Democrats of Massachusetts (over 50 College Democrats chapters from around the state), a new member party at Chum’s, and heading down to DC for the Stewart/Colbert Rally.

We are looking for new perspectives and fresh faces to join us in our pursuit of democratic values. Why not join us at our weekly meeting, Wednesdays at 8pm in Golding 101?
