A Global Brandeis

The Globe just did a feature focusing on Sam Vaghar and Seth Werfel, specifically regarding the Millenium Campus Network.

Don’t tell Sam Vaghar that today’s generation is apathetic.

At 21, the Newton North High School graduate and senior at Brandeis University is the executive director of a growing nonprofit organization dedicated to tackling the planet’s major problems. The Millennium Campus Network, which unites organizations from a number of Greater Boston schools, is entirely run by its student members.

Vaghar and Brandeis sophomore Seth Werfel, a New York City native, founded the network last August. The group is preparing for its inaugural Millennium Campus Conference to be held next weekend at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. The event has booked several notable speakers, including former senator John Edwards; R&B artist John Legend; and Ira Magaziner, who was a senior policy adviser to President Bill Clinton.

Holy Crap that’s impressive. (h/t arcblog)

One issue I’m struggling with lately is the idea of campus and off-campus focused activism. Much of my attention is held by the events and initiatives that are focused on campus. Yet there’s a thriving ecosystem of more globally-focused groups as well. We really need to combine these two communities. Among other things, that’s what we founded Innermost Parts to be – a place for progressives of all types – from Positive Foundations, SEA, AHORA, what have you, to all have a place to talk and so forth.

Innermost Parts is maneuvering to reach that third phase in our development where we can really tackle that goal of a more connected community. If you have any suggestions, comments, or even want to be in the know/help out in this effort, contact me at
