4 thoughts on “Another Bank on Moody Street”

  1. Phil my mind autocorrected your mistake, I was not aware of it saying go great until the next comment. I was in disbelief, I was sure I read “so great.” Sometimes your mind sees what it wants to see.

    Banks are dumb. Can we please have a community center?

    Does anyone want to turn that abandoned space on Moody into one?

  2. Problem is, Phil, that affordable housing would, for Waltham, likely not be all that affordable, as Moody is prime property. Not a bad idea, nonetheless.

  3. That block isn’t go great urban design-wise, so it sounds OK to me. I’d like to see the plans.

    Really the bank should have affordable housing above the commercial space (single-purpose buildings are pretty dumb), but that’s highly unlikely.

    One objection: drive-through bank? That’s one of the worst aspects of American culture.

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