Breaking News: Gay Marriage Bill Passes in NY

New York is poised to join the ranks of: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire and Washington D.C.

The New York State Senate just passed the gay marriage bill with a vote of 33-29, meaning gay marriage will soon be a reality for New Yorkers!

Now all that remains is for Gov. Cuomo, who came out in support of gay marriage while campaigning last fall, to sign the bill. 30 days after he signs, the bill will become law.

As Politico, one of the first news sources to report the results, stated: “The senate bill’s sponsor, openly gay Democrat Tom Duane, introduced the legislation with a tearful speech detailing his life from when he came out to his Catholic parents as a teen to his adult life fighting for gay rights and his partner.”

We here at InnermostParts commend this action. This is just one step on the road to equality and Civil Rights for all!

Read more of the Politico article here!


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Author: elly

Class of 2013 Writes crosswords for the Blowfish Writes sketches for Boris' Kitchen Writes show reviews for Justice Arts Does improv in her free time

One thought on “Breaking News: Gay Marriage Bill Passes in NY”

  1. Yes! New York is once again in the forefront of equality and the campaign to do the right thing!

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