Fred Updates Blog! Some Tips We’d Like to Offer.

Our esteemed, still-newly Inaugurated President Fred Lawrence announced that he will be blogging this summer while touring Israel with fellow Brandeis academic and administrative leaders! Check out his blog here!

Just like Innermostparts, Fred’s is a WordPress blog. He writes informatively and conceisely concisely, but the blog is a bit plain in its aesthetics. Here’s some advice we’d like to offer, from someone who’s never designed a blog in her life.

The Brandeis banner at the top looks good, and his latest post, about meeting with the president Tel Aviv University and a professor from the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, prominently features a moving slideshow with some high-quality pictures. His other post, from the day below, is also accompanied by pictures, which show a marked difference from his earlier posts from this year, which lack any media.

While we commend Fred on getting more tech savvy and uploading some visuals, we’d like to add that the font, Lucida Sans Unicode size 9, is a bit hard to read. Maybe try something a bit larger and easier to read? Here’s a list of the top fonts used in web design.

In addition, perhaps break the paragraphs of text up with a


or a picture or two.

We also like the facebook and twitter buttons at the top which allow readers to share each post easily.

So, keep up the good work! We, for one, subscribed to your feed!

What else do you guys think makes a blog more attractive? (Both for our benefit and for his)


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Author: elly

Class of 2013 Writes crosswords for the Blowfish Writes sketches for Boris' Kitchen Writes show reviews for Justice Arts Does improv in her free time