Interfaith Peace Vigils Calling on Student Leaders

The Interfaith Chaplaincy is inviting groups to submit ideas for themed discussions/programs during its weekly Friday peace vigil, held from 12:10-12:30 at the Usdan Peace Circle.

If a club, a class, or other type of group you are involved with have ideas of discussions you would like to lead, you can e-mail Alex Levering Kern, Brandeis’ Protestant Chaplain, at:

See the full text of his e-mail below for suggestions of themes and more details:

As you may know, for the past 5 years, the Interfaith Chaplaincy has organized a weekly peace vigil each Friday, 12:10-12:30 at Usdan Peace Circle, inviting our community to be mindful of peace in time of war. As national, global or campus crises occur, the vigil has often taken on a special focus or theme.

This year we have a new idea: Why not invite YOUR club, class, or programs to help lead a focused peace vigil every few weeks?

For example:
1) Sept 11-themed peace vigil on Sept 9 (already planned)
2) Peace and Genocide Prevention, cosponsored by STAND and Holocaust Remembrance and perhaps Rwandan students — in the spring, near Rwandan Genocide remembrance and Yom Hashoa
3) Black History Month and Peace, focused on Dr. King and American Nonviolence, sponsored by Black Students and MLK and Friends)
4) One per month– Nonviolence in Our Different Faiths — (Catholics for St. Francis Day near Oct 1, Hindus focus on Gandhi, the Jain tradition, etc. organized by Namaskar, Muslim and Jewish scriptures on peace. Buddhism, etc)
5) Women Building Cultures of Peace, sponsored by Women’s Studies, Feminist Leadership group
6) A vigil remembering Haiti Earthquake anniversary — peaceful, just, restorative responses to natural disaster
7) The Arts and Peacebuilding — Cindy Cohen’s students, others?
8) PAX classes– Gordie Fellman’s classes
9) Peace in Africa, organized by African Students, Heller Students in Conflict and Coexistence, and in Latin America
10) Peace in our streets and schools, organized by various student groups, Education program, etc.
11) Peace, conflict over resources, and environmental issues: organized by SEA, Environmental Studies, etc.

What do you think? Are you in? It is only a 20 minute session (up to a half-hour) and a great way to reflect and ground our work.

In addition, I want to offer your groups free use of the Harlan Chapel for a possible Speaker/Panel/Film series called “The Soul of Social Justice.” Please let me know.


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Author: elly

Class of 2013 Writes crosswords for the Blowfish Writes sketches for Boris' Kitchen Writes show reviews for Justice Arts Does improv in her free time