“It Gets Better” Red Sox Style

During yesterday afternoon’s winning game against the Oakland A’s, the Red Sox announced that they would create an “It Gets Better” video. The Sox will be the third professional sports team to participate in the “It Gets Better” campaign, following the San Francisco Giants and the Chicago Cubs. The teams were inspired to make videos by fans, and 12-year-old Sam Maden created a petition to encourage the Sox. Check out the article!

The campaign focuses on telling LGBTQ youth that “It Gets Better”. The project was born when Dan Savage responded to the increasing number suicides, sparked by Billy Lucas. The project consists of over 10,000 youtube video entires from people of all sexual orientations, including celebrities, reaching out to bullied members of the LGBTQ community. I encourage everyone to check out the YouTube Channel, and to listen to the inspiring stories of overcoming bullying and hardship.

I admire the Red Sox for joining the movement to support teenagers struggling with bullying, and to make the critical stance. Susan Goodenow, Senior Vice President of Public Affairs and Marketing for the Red Sox, declared: “Our team stands for respect and inclusion — there is no place for discrimination or acts of hatred in Red Sox Nation.”


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