Liveblog snark edition

We’re liveblogging the trial now – snark edition.

Livebloggers – Alex Norris, Matt Kupfer, Jon Muchin, and myself. We’ll be blogging in the comments.

This is a project unaffiliated with the petitioners, defense, judges, or whatever. We’re just providing an alternative, hopefully more hilarious liveblog here.

Check out Emily Dunning’s liveblog below for the “official Innermost Parts take”.

OK, so the petitioners (UJ-speak for prosecution) keep bringing up this claim that Lev and Alex didn’t recuse themselves when they brought up the SMR, and that its wrong, since they happen to be members of DFA. This line of reasoning is wrong. Lev and Alex are the Senators of the class of 2011 and represent the entire class. They were elected on a platform of, in part, supporting such events, and their votes are public. The Ayers event is open to the entire campus, and it’s entirely appropriate for the Senators representing Twenty Five Percent of the student body to have a say in that event.

Asking Lev or Alex to recuse themselves in these sorts of votes is like asking Ted Kennedy to recuse himself on Universal Healthcare votes because he has cancer.


421 thoughts on “Liveblog snark edition”

  1. I dont know, i think in this time of fiscal conservatism we should really find a better deal on pizza

  2. Justice Judah has asked the respondents if they’ll split a pizza. Exciting replay of the Scopes Monkey trial!

  3. Jordan Rothman is accepting free food handouts! I wonder if this will be mentioned in the next One Tall Voice: My return to Roosevelt socialism.

  4. I don’t understand. the justice just swore… to bring in the tone of Chicago 10, “did you word start with an f?”

  5. I’m glad the expediencies of feeding everybody has led to food communism. Why didn’t Marx think of this?

  6. got to feed those hungry stomachs! Maybe we should ask the Union to spend their money on a all you can eat buffet for the court.

  7. I would rather have Jason here…so we can stop declaring all the “re-somethings” in regards to Andrew Brooks.

  8. Andrew Brooks has been established, deestablished, and reestablished as an expert on the Student Union and its constitution–all by the prosecution.

  9. Brooks is scared by a future where students can access their student activity money in not one but TWO ways. Positively Orwellian!

  10. life is loopholes. Kosher rules for instance. (don’t yell at me, i’m just a silly goy!)

  11. Maybe we should give him a new name-tag. “official expert on the Student Union”

  12. I really wish there was a professor here. It might put all this “expert” talk into proper perspective.

  13. They seem to be asking Brooks to rule on future precedent – i.e. be the justices.

  14. I think once it gets to 7:45 the court should declare a recess and we should all go and learn about vaginas and cool down a bit.

  15. Jordan: Was the winter gala the fifteen dollar booze event? Well put. Shout out.

  16. So the problem with this SMR is alternatively: That there was no Senate involvement, that there was no student involvement, and that there was both no and too much cooperation between the Senate and DFA. Also, Jamie keeps flashing ironic looks at Ryan during his questioning.

  17. is there any organization in particular that is standing to benefit from the SMR in question? Jamie asks. I think all liberals/progressives on campus stand to benefit from a speaker such as Ayers.

  18. several of them were sophomores, and several of them voiced their wish that Lev and Melman should vote to bring Ayers to campus.

  19. thanks for objecting Ryan, I also identify myself as blonde but I wouldn’t want that to get out.

  20. I’m lost. someone save me. I think Jamie might be wishing he could take back his recognition of Brooks as a “Student Union expert”

  21. Nippun: “Objection! Brooks recusing himself is different from Alex or Lev recusing themselves.” Way to put your foot in your mouth. Jamie covers for him by elaborating.

  22. Rachel Kagan – Andrew Brooks can’t represent his constituency in Ziv Quad because he has to recuse himself as executive senator, so it’s OK if the entire class of 2011 is not represented as well.

    Well, it sucks that Brooks can’t represent his constituents. That’s wrong and should change.

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