Occupy Chicago Negotiates with the Mayor’s Office

Good news from OccupyChicago.

A delegation of Occupiers submitted a petition with 13,409 signatures supporting "the rights of Occupy Chicago to peaceable assemble," [sic] today.

Nancy Wade, of the delagation, reported that they "had a productive conversation" with the First Deputy Chief of Staff for the Office of the Mayor, and are currently in negotiations with the city as to what "a possible stable outdoor location for Occupy Chicago might look like."

I think that negotiations is a good place to be, and I'm happy the city is listening to the Occupiers.

More updates to come. In addition, check out Occupy Wall Street or its affiliates' Wikipedia pages. It's a rare opportunity to watch Wikipedia articles be constantly updated with new information!


For the full text of Wade's e-mail regarding the petition, the meeting, and how you can help, read below:

I am delighted to report to you that today, November 16, our delegation met with Felicia Davis, First Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the Mayor in City Hall. We delivered the petition with 13,409 signatures of Chicago citizens and others in support of the rights of Occupy Chicago to peaceable assemble  We had a productive conversation with Ms. Davis regarding what a possible stable outdoor location for Occupy Chicago might look like. We will follow up on negotiations that may ensue with the city and Occupy Chi.

We feel that the "speak softly and carry a big stick" strategy may prove to be productive. You made a difference in showing the Mayor that many, many regular folks stand in solidarity with the right of Occupy Chicago to peaceably assemble in an outdoor location, preferably Grant Park.

Andy and Sara,  members of our delegation with close ties to Occupy Chicago, have agreed to relate the discussion in today's meeting to the appropriate committees in Occupy Chicago. 

Today's meeting could be a breakthrough for Occupy Chicago in relations with the city. We are very hopeful that this is the case. We will keep you updated.

It is extremely important that we keep this petition going! We need as many signers, especially those living in Chicago, as we can have. This petition is a powerful way for Chicagoans to have their voices heard by Mayor Emanuel! Please Tweet it, Facebook it, email your friends, encourage anyone you can to sign it. Together we can make a difference! http://signon.org/sign/let-the-occupychicago?source=s.em.cr&r_by=883213&mailing_id=1120

Many thanks,
Nancy Wade
Co-sponsor of  Let the #occupychicago movement stay in Grant Park without arrests


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