State of the Union- Dec 11, 2012

Pre-SOTU Intimate Group Conversation with Todd

  • RPF's being sent to other food providers- product of Strategic Planning Review, new administration open to new things
  • Strategic Plan- enough student involvement?
    • Planning Steering Committee, 26 people (incl. 2 grad students, 2 undergrads), meets once a month
    • Core Committee- 6-7 people (incl. 2 grads, 2 undergrads?)


  • Student Accomplishments
    • BADASS rankings
    • Men and Women's soccer wins
    • Course Evaluation Guide student editors, whoot
    • Carlton's Secretary e-mails (Todd knows how hard it is)
    • Campus support services who helped people in wake of suicide at the beginning of the semester
  • Union achievements
    • Usdan Bulleting Board
    • Senate Meet and Greet
    • Outreach
    • Hurricane Sandy bracelet sales
    • Turkey shuttles
    • Midnight buffet TMRW (first time actually occuring at midnight)
    • DeisLaunch Pad SU radio show
    • Extended study spaces
    • SU Dining Services Committee (new this year…used to be University committee?
    • Treasurer Clements says this is the "most efficient Treasury ever" and that all forms have 24 hour turnover rate
      • improved communication between Treasury and FBoard. Shoutout to Nathan Israel (whoot Nathan)
    • DeisImpact happening in spring- 37 events
    • This feels like Parks and Rec-local news
  • SU Future Steps
    • Will look into puppy rub (sp?) event for next semester- puppies to relieve stress during finals
    • Take better care of off-campus students (this year has most numbers students living off-campus)
    • Fix SU election by phasing out of BigPulse and creating new guidelines for next semester
    • Looking into "Deis Day" to express Bdeis pride- formal recognition ceremonies and pot. a parade
    • Do more to promote Chums and Stein so don't need to rely on coffeehouses
    • Brandeis will be looking into new dining services providers
      • Last renovations to dining buildings occurred in 1998
      • Kirkland will be meeting biweekly with Dining Services admins to work to better hours, variety of food
    • Collaborating with Graduate Student Union (40% of Brandeis student pop is graduate students)
  • Other things Brandeis should be proud of
    • 97% (check?) Brandeis fauclty have highest degrees in their fields
    • FML first Brandeis pres. to reside full-time in Waltham


  • Did Justice articles impact Kirkland's speech? (off-campus students, stein/chums usage)
  • Treasury how do you measure efficiency?
  • SU looking to limit number of clubs being chartered?
    • Want to make clubs coordinate more, have hierarcy so under one umbrella group
    • "Providing resources" vs. "making sure they become more effective"
      • Club Support committee has to juggle roles of helping clubs and limiting clubs re money
    • No "concrete ideas" right now about restructuring. Treasury and FBoard involved
  • Student Involvement in…Everything?
    • Students don't feel physical attendance is necc. because of social media — shift


  • Class of 2013 Writes crosswords for the Blowfish Writes sketches for Boris' Kitchen Writes show reviews for Justice Arts Does improv in her free time

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Author: elly

Class of 2013 Writes crosswords for the Blowfish Writes sketches for Boris' Kitchen Writes show reviews for Justice Arts Does improv in her free time