Student Union State of the Union Address Tonight

For those who are interested, Shreeya Sinha, President of the Brandeis Student Union, is giving her State of the Union address at 6:30 pm tonight in the Shapiro Campus Center Atrium. According to an inside source (the Facebook event page), we can expect that:

The speech will be about the Union’s accomplishments and future plans, including the current rollover situation, our finances, collaboration with the Administration, the protest, the implementation of firearms, the Student Bill of Rights, and other large issues currently facing our campus.

I can’t promise that I’ll be able to make it, but I’ll try. For those who can’t be there, the Student Union website hosts some old State of the Union speeches; their coverage seems to be pretty sporadic though, so I wouldn’t expect this one to be up in a timely fashion. If you can make it, feel free to use this as an open thread to discuss any initial reactions, disagreements, whatever.
