500 Signatures in 18.5 Hours, Let’s Keep Going!

When we launched the Celebrate Brandeis Petition at 4:30 AM yesterday morning, the initial goal was set for 500 signatures by December 3rd.

We shattered that goal in 18 1/2 hours.

At this time, 615 people have signed. For lack of a better statistic, that’s more than the usual voting turnout for most campus elections. More importantly, it constitutes a significant portion of this campus and provides great foreshadowing for the events to come next week.

Can we do it again, reach another milestone? http://bit.ly/CelebrateBrandeis. If you haven’t already, please click the link, read, and sign the petition, and send it to your friends. Let’s see if, over a holiday weekend, we can double our number to 1000, and unite an even greater portion of campus against hate.