Tidbits from the Youth caucus

Ned Resnikoff: There are two traditional ways that old people try to get youth to vote. One is like Rock the Vote: ‘Voting is RADD!!” or through guilt: “HOW DARE YOU not vote???”

How do we grow a progressive youth movement?

My thoughts: We all know the basc tactics of youth get-out-the vote strategies: peer-to-peer, not strangers to strangers, personal messages, authenticity, etc. What’s missing is vision. Not – ‘vote fucker” but ‘i dream of rock music parties on rooftop gardens, with bicycling and block parties for all”. Provide the vision.

Articulate a progressive / activist lifestyle, not ‘vote and you’re done’
More on youth tactics:

Authenticity, authenticy, authenticity.Don’t send a formal email, dash off a real one from the heart. Not ‘dear X, blah blah blah’, but ‘yo dude. Please check this out, show up to our event plz. k thanxbi!”

Question – Who has moral authority with youth today?
Indie bands?

Try to make your ask other than ‘give us money’ or ‘do boring phone calls for us’
