Town Halls

There will be two Town Halls and a Forum this coming week for you to learn what is going on, ask any questions you may have about academic restructuring, and to provide suggestions, input, or commentary.

The first Town Hall is today at 430PM. The second Town Hall is Thursday, February 12th at 430PM. Both of these are in Upper Sherman (in Hassenfeld Conference Center). The discussion will focus on Degree
Requirements and Advising, Curricular Innovation, and the Third Semester (a summer semester or an experiential semester to that would be incorporated into the curriculum for incoming classes). For the sake of everyone who can’t go and to let the administration know that we will be a valuable part of this process, get involved, and make your voice heard.

A Forum will be held at 7:30 pm on Tuesday February 10th in Geller Auditorium (back of Sherman) to discuss the possibility of a Business major. Come with questions, concerns, ideas for the curriculum, etc.

Questions to consider might include: How does this affect the liberal arts environment at Brandeis University? What classes will be offered? How will this affect the financial situation in general? Will they hire new professors to teach this major? Is this going to affect the current IBS program?

The forum will be moderated by the Brandeis Business Club. All questions will be fielded by the Undergraduate representative to the Business Major Drafting Committee, who will take your concerns and suggestions directly to the committee itself.

We’ll let you know about more events like these as we hear about them.


  • i'm a theater major with a spanish minor and a bunch of sociology courses which don't amount to anything. i spent the summer living in san jose and interning with a theater group there. i believe that theatre can be a tool to promote social change and i intend to use it as such.

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Author: shakeman

i'm a theater major with a spanish minor and a bunch of sociology courses which don't amount to anything. i spent the summer living in san jose and interning with a theater group there. i believe that theatre can be a tool to promote social change and i intend to use it as such.

One thought on “Town Halls”

  1. Everyone please come to the Town Hall Meeting on Thursday! Tons of faculty and staff showed up to today’s forum, but only a couple dozen students; the faculty want and need our ideas and opinions! This is our chance to speak up!

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