Carl Levin and MLK: Monday

Carl Levin is coming to Brandeis.

Mark your calendars: MLK Day will go down like this:
Freedom Trail tours of activist sites on campus: 5pm
Seating in Shapiro Campus Center: 5:30pm
Senator Carl Levin Speaks: 6:00 pm
Assorted MLK-day presentations onse: 7:pm

That’s pretty cool. According to Progressive Punch, Senator Levin is the 11th-most progressive senator. Delving deeper, it seems that his least progressive stances include the environment, and agricultural corporate subsidies, while his voting record on a variety of issues – social justice, education, and family planning- is stellar. In short, Carl’s a pretty good Senator.

Since he’s a Senator, and the chair of the Armed Services Committee to boot, I am mulling over the idea of asking Senator Levin to support Senator Dodd and Senator Feingold in their filibuster of legislation that would give amnesty to Telecommunication Companies that helped the Bush Administration trample on the Fourth Amendment.

It’ll be an off-topic question at the Panel he’s joining. On the other hand, stopping retroactive immunity is imperative; we have to prove that corporations (and Presidents) can’t break all sorts of laws and then have Congress retroactively forgive them.

Maybe I should carry a banner or sign inside?
If anyone wants to organize or join me in bringing this matter to his attention, please email me at

P.S. Looks like someone else wants to lobby Senator Levin as well.
