Dust off the Tie and Tails, and Let’s Help the Homeless

The Faculty Club is hosting a fundraising event this Saturday at 8pm for hopeFound, a homeless shelter in the greater Boston area, and from what I hear it’s going to be a mightily impressive event.  Just for comparison, last weekend’s very successful (I’ll post the figures when I get them) Union fundraiser for the Macedonia Church of God in Christ was organized in a few weeks.  This event has taken two years.

The planning has been a labor of love for Aaron Mitchell Finegold, a senior and current Ridgewood Quad Senate candidate, who has spared no expense in making the event as ornate as possible.  It’s structured as a very formal cocktail reception and silent auction, and though I imagine the auction items will be outside the typical college student’s budget, Aaron has promised that the event will be spectacular enough to interest  everyone.  It will provide a great networking opportunity with alumni and area businesspeople, and the Faculty Club is providing the catering.  At the very least, there will be alcohol (open bar from 8-9; of course, they will be ID’ing).

It’s nice that student activism is impacting the greater Boston community, particularly a charitable organization; when the economy heads south, charity is one of the hardest hit.  The high-society nature of the whole thing may seem at odds with the humble mission, but Aaron’s really done his homework, and he knows what brings the money to these events.  I’m sure all the excess will turn some people off, but if you like this kind of atmosphere and have $15 to part with at the door for a good cause,  Aaron has made sure you’ll get your money’s worth.
