I love Dean of Student Life, Rick Sawyer’s, latest e-mail.

Here are the highlights:

  • …the Swine Flu (we preferred H1N1 – sounds more academic)
  • We developed a community/team effort and we think that we single-handedly defeated the spread of the H1N1 flu!!..
  • You often need to be your own lifeguard on this beach.
  • Finally, on another important health note, if you are a Red Sox fan …… I have no advice. I am trying slow and deep breathing and some sort of chanting.
  • See the full text of his playful, helpful, and insightful e-mail below if you are interested.

    Dear Students:

    Those of you who are new to Brandeis might wonder why I am sending you a ‘flu update’. Two years ago, when the world was told that the Swine Flu (we preferred H1N1 – sounds more academic) was going to wipe out half the planet, we here at Brandeis hunkered down as a community to stay healthy and minimize the impact. As part of the plan to defeat the epidemic, I did a Flu Update weekly to the community. The update kept everyone informed about the nature and significance of the flu as it affected our campus. We developed a community/team effort and we think that we single-handedly defeated the spread of the H1N1 flu!!..

    After the flu dissipated, I continued to do an occasional ‘Flu Update’ by popular demand. The community seemed to welcome an occasional note regarding other issues that are health/safety/community caring in nature.

    So with this message I start anew.


    First, speaking of team efforts – my thanks to all of you for making the opening of school a total success in the face of one of the worst tropical storms to hit New England in decades. Having experienced several hurricanes during my youth down on the Cape, I was concerned as everyone else about the potential danger and damage that Irene could cause. If you are reading this and you are from a place – be it New Jersey, North Carolina, Vermont or elsewhere – and you lost property or experienced minor or major inconvenience for you family – please let us know if there are remaining concerns that we might be able to help with.

    It is indeed nearing flu season. The Health Center has flu shots available. Go to their web site for details. Instead of flu clinics, which has been done in the past, they are trying to do the shot program as a walk-in service. The shots cost $ 20 each, and must be in cash. (The shots are provided at cost).

    Health wise I think we are doing fine. I have seen reports for some alcohol related transports and care during the first couple of weeks. That is never good, and I ask you – whether you are a consumer or a provider – please, please understand the dangers inherent in consuming alcohol. Many of you newer, younger students are probably not experienced with the various campus and off campus party scenarios and you can get yourself in danger. Don’t assume that others are going to take care of you. You often need to be your own lifeguard on this beach. And upperclassmen – please be mindful of your responsibilities when it comes to newer students and their health and safety.

    We have had reports of some break ins off campus in student apartments. If you live off campus, please be sure that your landlord has provided adequate door and window locks and that they are working. And use them. If you live on campus, please remember to keep your room door locked when you are not there, and at night when you are sleeping.

    Another reminder for your safety – if you are crossing South Street for the athletics areas, please use the bridge. If you are going to the Mods or elsewhere and you will be crossing South St., please use the button on the pedestrian crossing lights to warn cars of your presence and intentions.

    Finally, on another important health note, if you are a Red Sox fan …… I have no advice. I am trying slow and deep breathing and some sort of chanting.

    Be well.

    Rick Sawyer
    Dean of Student Life


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    Author: elly

    Class of 2013 Writes crosswords for the Blowfish Writes sketches for Boris' Kitchen Writes show reviews for Justice Arts Does improv in her free time

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