Howard Dean Coming to Brandeis

A collaborative effort of Brandeis clubs including Democracy for America, the College Democrats, the Activist Resource Center, and Gen Ed Now has successfully secured a deal to bring Howard Dean to campus.  He will speak on April 15 at 8pm in Levin Ballroom.  The event will be open to the Brandeis community.

Howard Dean, a physician and former Governor of Vermont, is well-known for his run for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004.  He built significant opposition to the Iraq War and other policies of the Bush presidency, as well as created a very successful model for internet fundraising.  From 2005-2009 he served as the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, where he created the “50 State Strategy” that made Democrats competitive in normally “solid red” Republican districts, which led to the Democrats taking back Congress in 2006.  Since leaving the DNC, Dean has been working on pushing for healthcare reform, especially for a public option to private insurance plans.


  • I am a sophomore at Brandeis University, originally from Wilbraham, Massachusetts. At Brandeis I have contributed to the activist community by serving as Campus Coordinator for Democracy for America, a student group that supports fiscally responsible, socially progressive candidates. I was also co-director for Brandeis Students for Barack Obama. After Brandeis, I will pursue a master's degree in urban planning.

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Author: Phil LaCombe

I am a sophomore at Brandeis University, originally from Wilbraham, Massachusetts. At Brandeis I have contributed to the activist community by serving as Campus Coordinator for Democracy for America, a student group that supports fiscally responsible, socially progressive candidates. I was also co-director for Brandeis Students for Barack Obama. After Brandeis, I will pursue a master's degree in urban planning.

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