Remember when Innermostparts conducted two surveys this summer?
Well, not that many people participated, so we didn't gather that much information. This was due to a combination of lack of advertisement/buildup and it being summer, so I'm not pointing any fingers.
But, I do think surveys are a great way to gauge what needs to be changed, so I'm excited that the Student Union will be conducting a series of surveys starting Monday on food, shelter, quality of existence, government, and anything else. It's called the Union Pulse.
Also, theirs sound more enticing, since they're offering (non-partisan) prizes.
Give them some feedback. Help THEM help YOU.
So I know you all get a lot of surveys from a lot of different people…but how often do you get to see what people really said in those surveys?How often do you get to see your voice and your opinion making a difference?With that in mind, the Student Union introduces the…UnionPULSE!Monday, November 7 – Friday, November 11Each day you will receive an email. And each day all of you will have a chance to sound off on the following topics. The schedule is as follows:1. Monday, November 7 – DINING(hours, kosher/vegan options, meals, convenience)2. Tuesday, November 8 – HOUSING(facilities, services, your personal space)3. Wednesday, November 9 – STUDENT LIFE(clubs, transportation, social life, etc.)4. Thursday, November 10 – STUDENT UNION(How can we help/represent you?!)5. Friday, November 11 – WHAT ELSE?!(What else matters to you? SOUND OFF ON ANYTHING!)Check your email every morning, and please take a moment to share your thoughts on the daily topic. It is anonymous, but then you'll have another form where you can… WIN PRIZES!