Student Union: A Chance to Speak Up!

Remember when Innermostparts conducted two surveys this summer?

Well, not that many people participated, so we didn't gather that much information. This was due to a combination of lack of advertisement/buildup and it being summer, so I'm not pointing any fingers.

But, I do think surveys are a great way to gauge what needs to be changed, so I'm excited that the Student Union will be conducting a series of surveys starting Monday on food, shelter, quality of existence, government, and anything else. It's called the Union Pulse.

Also, theirs sound more enticing, since they're offering (non-partisan) prizes.

Give them some feedback. Help THEM help YOU.

Help Me Help You

So I know you all get a lot of surveys from a lot of different people…
but how often do you get to see what people really said in those surveys? 
      How often do you get to see your voice and your opinion making a difference?
With that in mind, the Student Union introduces the…
Monday, November 7 – Friday, November 11
Each day you will receive an email. And each day all of you will have a chance to sound off on the following topics. The schedule is as follows:
1. Monday, November 7 – DINING 
(hours, kosher/vegan options, meals, convenience)
2. Tuesday, November 8 – HOUSING
(facilities, services, your personal space)
3. Wednesday, November 9 – STUDENT LIFE 
(clubs, transportation, social life, etc.)
4. Thursday, November 10 – STUDENT UNION 
(How can we help/represent you?!)
5. Friday, November 11 – WHAT ELSE?!
(What else matters to you? SOUND OFF ON ANYTHING!)
Check your email every morning, and please take a moment to share your thoughts on the daily topic. It is anonymous, but then you'll have another form where you can… WIN PRIZES! 



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Author: elly

Class of 2013 Writes crosswords for the Blowfish Writes sketches for Boris' Kitchen Writes show reviews for Justice Arts Does improv in her free time