Good News, Everyone

$6500. 2 days. 100 people.

A bunch of us at the Change Agency have spent a ton of time working on a huge project we’re excited to announce.

Campus Camp Wellstone is a 1.5 day training and leadership program recognized as the best program for college activists in the country. They focus on very concrete skills, like the nitty-gritty of campaign planning, grassroots organizing, and message development. They also teach students how to successfully recruit and retain volunteers and develop new leadership.

Camp Wellstone costs about $6,500 to put on. We’re bringing it to campus – for free – and only have 100 spots available.

Signups are here.

You can learn more on their official page as well:

Want to learn community organizing this summer?

An exciting opportunity to learn/practice community organizing, and get paid!

SOUL Summer School
June 15th to August 6th 2009
San Francisco Bay Area

SOUL Summer School is an intensive 8-week introduction to community organizing and social change, designed for young activists who have been involved with social justice organizing for at least one year. SOUL is dedicated to building the skills of young women, young people of color, working class, and queer people as the next generation of leaders in the social justice movement.

SOUL Summer School provides a structured time to work full-time to develop your grassroots organizing skills and your political analysis. SOUL Summer School has three components:

ORGANIZING INTERNSHIPS with local organizations that work within working class communities and communities of color, fighting alongside people for their rights. Through these internships, you’ll get on-the-ground experience with the work it takes to build community power.

ORGANIZING SKILLS TRAINING so you can learn the concrete tools you’ll need to organize for power in our communities. The trainings provide space to build the skills you will use in your internships. SOUL’s trainings will develop skills like outreach & recruitment, action planning, and facilitation.

POLITICAL EDUCATION to think more deeply about the current political and economic context, especially the issues impacting working-class communities of color.  We’ll also look at local and global fights to win justice for our people, to help develop a strategic vision for building our movement today.

The summer program is eight weeks long, starting on June 15th and ending with a closing celebration on August 6th. SOUL Summer School is a full-time commitment for the whole eight weeks. You will not have time for another job or for summer classes. You’ll spend at least 30 hours a week in your organizing internship and 10 hours in our political education & skills training sessions. SOUL provides need-based stipends— up to $2000— for your living costs during the summer. Applications for SOUL Summer School 2009 are due by April 17th. If you have any questions about SOUL Summer School, please email us at or call 510. 451. 5466 x 300.

SOUL School Of Unity & Liberation
287 17th Street, Suite 225
Oakland, CA 94612