The Case for Adam Hughes

There’s been a lively debate in the comments over the upcoming Vice-Presidential Special Election, but through the lens of analyzing one candidate, Andrew Brooks. This is the case for Adam Hughes, the insurgent candidate for the post (and a fellow here at IP).

What is the character of Brandeis? Is it found in our entreprenurial and innovative spirit? The way that we find people different than us kickass? (We reserve our tolerance for people like Jordan Rothman.) Is it our crusading spirit to heal the world?

Only one man in the running represents all these facets of our beloved school. Only one man can truly represent all these underlying ideals of this community. That man is Adam Hughes.

I first met Adam Hughes when I was runinng for Senator of North Quad. We sat in the Gordon 2 lounge, arguing progressive politics with me. He ended up voting for Kaamila Mohammed. I ended up being crushed by Kaamila. No matter. Of all my conversations with people that day, (as far as I remember) the most penetrating questions came from him, showing the most keen interest in my platform and initiatives. Remember, we were only in school for a month at the time!

Adam has roots in all of these sectors of life on Campus. He helped found a new club on Brandeis in his freshman year – the Mixed Heritage Club. Do you remember when you were a freshman? Starting up clubs is terrifying. Kudos to him. Mixed Heritage club also throws the best parties on campus. Truly, this man has the common touch.

Adam is also an editor for The Brandeis Hoot as well as a contributor to us here at Innermost Parts. By being plugged in to the two strongest hubs of information on campus, he knows what’s going down.

So the portrait of the man emerges. Unafraid to take risks. Unafraid to dive right in to campus life at the first chance. Adam is a go-getter. He gets off his ass and does things. He founded a website – He co-chartered the Mixed Heritage Club. He helped make Innermost Parts what it is today. He worked his ass off to elect Noam Shuster last year – he was her secret weapon. Adam has truly undergone the full Brandeis Experience.


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