You have until noon

Please welcome our newest member, Morgan Gross – Sahar

Would you like to take part in Brandeis’ move towards more ethical eating?

You have until noon.

Earlier this week, the Union sent out a survey to all students asking if we want to make a switch in University dining halls from eggs produced by hens in battery cages to cage free eggs.

Can you help this awesome cause by taking the survey and showing Brandeis Administration that we, as a student body, are supportive of this movement towards ethical eating and cage free eggs?

It is a four-question survey and it will take less than a minute to complete, can you do that right now?

Over 600 Brandeis students have already taken this survey and success is looking good; the higher the number of students that take this survey and show their support for the movement to cage free eggs, the clearer it will be to Brandeis Administration that we, as a student body, are serious about making a move towards more humane, just, and healthy food.

Polls close at noon, so please take a minute and show your support right now.

You can find the link here:

