Election Results: Fall 2010

Union Elections 2

The results:
Class of 2014: Mitchell Schwartz and Dillon Harvey
TYP: Alyssa Green
Massell: Rosby Kome-Mensah II
North: Shekeyla Nicole Caldwell
Castle: Miriam Halimi
East: Albert Feldman
Rosenthal: Elizabeth Fields
Village: Missy Skolnik (By write-in)
Ridgewood: No candidate – program declared Keith Barry winner, yet Union Constitution declares that if ABSTAIN receives more votes than a candidate, then position remains vacant until next election
Ziv: Mark Levi
Mods: Anthony Rios
Grad/Charles River: Tae Wan Kim
Off-Campus: Evyn Rabinowitz
Senior Rep to UCC: Jenna Rubin
Brandeis Sustainability Fund Rep: Susan Paykin and Nicholas Polanco

Union Elections Results Fall 2010
