Less than Two Hours to Vote

Student Union Spring 2011 Elections

Now until 12 am

Look, even if you don’t know the candidates or don’t feel like making the effort TO get to know them (just stop by fb), it’s still worth it to vote. Although it is frustrating that the school messed up the settings on its contract with Big Pulse, resulting in a more-confusing-than-usual voting process, there are some clear directions you can follow in order to vote!

These polls are an Instant Runoff Voting system. You will rank up to the total number of candidates (and Abstain) by preference. You do not need to vote for all of the candidates but may. Your first preference will be counted unless your first preference has the least number of votes in which case your second preference will be counted until one candidate receives a majority of the total number of votes.

Important Voting Information:
Go to the website and you will have the option to VOTE NOW on the right hand sidebar. Due to recent voter fraud attempts there is a new security measure in place. When reaching the voting website input your UNET ID but DO NOT put your password in. ClickFORGOT YOUR SIGN-IN OR PASSWORD, then you can proceed to vote.

Please check the following link to VOTE: http://brandeisstudentunion.org/elections/185

The positions up for candidacy are:
-Vice President
-Racial Minority F-Board
-Jr. Representative to the Board of Trustees
-Jr. Representative to the UCC
-Jr. Representative to the Alumni Association

If you have any questions, concerns, or trouble with the voting website, please contact Shirel Guez (shirelgz@brandeis.edu).


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Author: elly

Class of 2013 Writes crosswords for the Blowfish Writes sketches for Boris' Kitchen Writes show reviews for Justice Arts Does improv in her free time