Shalom… sike! …¡Hola!

Hey Everyone!

Who am I? I’m still figuring that out. Who I will present myself to you as – that’s a different story. My name is Laura Aguirre and I’m new to Innermost Parts. I’m a Junior who took some time off so I will be graduating in 2013. Currently, I’m the co-president of ¡AHORA!, the Latino organization on campus, and the co-president of Brandeis Humanists, the secular and skeptics club. My interests are quite diverse but I am most passionate about issues concerning animals and the environment, immigrants, the LGBT community, women, and race. I’m all about bringing different ideas together (especially ones that may even collide) and trying to find a commonality. I really like questioning everything. New and different perspectives excite me and weakening ignorance is an important goal for me.

I was born and raised in NYC! I love Colombian and Italian food. I really like stand-up comedy, especially the really offensive ones. I don’t have any particular hobbies; I tend to just pick up random activities and then drop them for something new. Monotony bores me and I like new things. There’s a lot more but I want to keep this short.

As a blogger, I hope to bring light to issues that are oftentimes overlooked on campus. As a feminist, vegetarian, ally, atheist, Latina Brandeisian student I hope to bring a new perspective to the activist world.

Your excited, new, friendly blogger,


“Open your eyes before you die.” – Immortal Technique

Nice to Meet You!

Hey Guys,

My name is Morgan Gross, I’m a freshman at Brandeis, and I’m one of your newest writers for Innermost Parts. Whaddup.

Now, I know that I’m doing this whole introduction thing kind of backwards; I’ve already posted a few times on Innermost Parts, and you may have seen my name in your inbox attached to an email encouraging you to take the survey on cage free eggs (great job on that, guys!).

In any case, I still thought that it would be a worthwhile endeavor to introduce myself to you and let you know a little bit about me, what I’m interested in and where I’m coming from as far as activism goes.

As previously stated, I’m a freshman here. I hail from Philadelphia—not really, but saying Philadelphia is easier than saying Holland, Pennsylvania. I enjoy writing, drinking tea, listening to/making music, and reading Questionable Content.

I am passionate about too many things—one of my major personality flaws—but the short list includes ethical eating and preserving free press, as well as general human rights stuff.

As far as my history in activism, I’ve always been a long time listener, first time caller type of activist. What I mean by this is that I’ve always had liberal/progressive opinions—much to the dismay of my grandparents—and have been more than happy to share and debate my thoughts, but less inclined to do anything about them.

This brings me back to Innermost Parts.

I am SO excited to be here, doing work, getting the word out and doing something positive and productive with my many opinions.

Peace, Love, and Active Activism