The news that matters from this week’s the Justice:
-So remember how Richard Goldstone is the chair for an advisory board at the Ethics Center? Well those connections are going to bring him here to Brandeis on Novermber 5th to talk about his famous report about the Gaza war. Be there or be rectangular.
– More news on which departments / programs will move to the Mandel Center for Humanities, and which will not. There’s a committee to advise the provost on all this, but it consists only of professors – no grad students, no staff, and no undergrads.
It’s strange how a center for the Humanities is hosting lots of social sciences. I’m not complaining – I love the Social Sciences! However, I bet the story behind this is an interesting one.
– The Mandel Center for Humanities will have a Rooftop Garden!
–These people might perhaps tell Board of Trustees what students want in a new President, if they speak when spoken to and don’t cause too much of a fuss:
Andy Hogan, Heddy Ben-Atar, Jon Kane, “Yuki Hasegawa (GRAD), Rachel Markman ’10,
Nicholas Hornstein ’11, Rebecca Bachman ’13, Marla Merchut ’12 and Julian Olidort ’11.
Andrew Gluck ’11, Union Vice President Amanda Hecker ’10, Megan Breslin-Jewer ’11 and
Jamie Fleischman ’11 are the outreach coordinators.”
It is a travesty that there will be no student representation at all in the actual real
search committee.
– Nine JBS’s have been approved. “Web Services, Mobile Apps, and Cloud Computing,” “Environmental Health and Justice”, and “”Beacon Hill Summer,” “Collaborative Theater and the Theatrical Essay,” “Conflict Resolution and Ethics in the Real World,” “Ethnographic Fieldwork,” “Health and Society Field Semester,” proposed by Prof. Peter Conrad (SOC); “Pathologies of Criminal Law: Restoring Justice,” and “Understanding the American Jewish Community”.
These sound pretty cool. If only we could take these JBSs in addition to the normal 8 semesters.
They plan on making the JBS as onerous, tiring, time-consumptive, and just plain hard to
apply for as studying abroad. Bummer!
– If I understand this correctly, Stephanie Grimes think that recognized clubs “are no[t]
allowed to reserve space, receive funding or market themselves.” Either she is wrong, has been misquoted, or all recognized clubs are breaking the rules.
– Leigh Nusbaum, senator for the Village, is trying to set up an honor code, with all the administrative edifices that go with it. Personally, I think an honor code would be cool, but she didn’t ask me. Did she ask anyone?